HR Change Management vs HR Risk Management

September 21, 2021

Are you facing challenges in your organization? Do you need to adapt to change quickly? Perhaps HR Change Management or HR Risk Management is the solution for you. But how do you decide which one to use? In this blog post, we will give you a clear understanding of both and help you choose the one that suits you best.

HR Change Management

When an organization goes through significant changes, such as a merger, restructuring, or implementation of a new system, HR Change Management comes into play. It is a systematic approach to managing change within an organization. It helps minimize the negative impact of change while maximizing opportunities to make improvements.

HR Change Management involves a series of steps, including preparation, communication, involvement, training, and reinforcement. By properly implementing these steps, an organization can manage the process of change, make sure employees understand the changes, and adopt new behaviors.

According to a study by Prosci, a leading provider of change management resources, effective change management contributed to higher project success rates. Respondents who identified as "excellent" at change management were six times more likely to meet or exceed project objectives.

HR Risk Management

HR Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that can negatively impact an organization. In other words, it is about minimizing the potential damage of negative events.

HR Risk Management involves identifying and analyzing risks, determining the likelihood and potential impact of those risks, and developing a plan to address them. It also involves monitoring and reporting on risk factors and reviewing and updating risk management plans regularly.

According to statistics, small businesses face more risks than larger organizations. HR Risk Management can help small businesses mitigate potential risks and avoid costly lawsuits.

HR Change Management vs HR Risk Management

While both HR Change Management and HR Risk Management aim to minimize negative outcomes, there are fundamental differences between them.

HR Change Management is a proactive approach to achieving desired outcomes through change, while HR Risk Management is a reactive approach to mitigate negative outcomes. HR Change Management focuses on the possibilities of change while HR Risk Management focuses on potential threats.

In summary, HR Change Management is about managing change within an organization, while HR Risk Management is about managing potential risks that could negatively affect an organization.


Now that you have a clear understanding of both HR Change Management and HR Risk Management, you can make an informed decision on which one would be a better fit for your organization.

If your organization is facing significant changes or restructuring, consider HR Change Management to ensure smooth transitions and maximize benefits. If your organization faces potential risks that could negatively impact your business, HR Risk Management is your best option.

Whatever decision you make, your choice will depend on your organization's structure, culture, and goals.

We hope this comparison provided valuable insights into the advantages of HR Change Management and HR Risk Management. Stay safe, and happy managing!


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